Monday 31 October 2011

Production Plan


The costumes for this music video for the band will be the kids school uniform to reflect the youngness of the band and the rock stereotype. It is also a reference to the band ACDC, as Angus Young who is known for wearing his school boy outfits during his performances. But using the uniform is also another way to keep the production cost to a minimum.  

(Angus Young, ACDC)

Filming for this music video will have to take place after school, as the members of the band have to go to their lessons and I can not pull them out of the school. The only time to film the performance shots is after school on a Friday, as this is when the band perform, and the music room is available to use.

Film Equipment 

I have already obtained camera to take RECCE shots, two camcorders to gain a range of different shots, however I will need to book out a tripod to ensure the steadiness and quality of shots. So this needs to be taken into consideration when producing a production schedule and filming as I need to bring the tripod into school, along with my other filming equipment.


For the performance scene I will not have to bring any props as the drums, guitars, bass, microphones will all be at school in the music room. This will make it easier for me, as I do not have to organize hiring any music equipment for the band and adding to the expenses.


Weather does not affect my production plan/schedule as a large majority of the scenes are shot inside, the school building. I can always change those few scenes to be shot inside, if necessary due to extreme weather.


The artist will be a band called the Bitter Avengers, which represents the B/A logo for Bexleyheath Academy so this fits in well with their uniform. There are 5 members of the band. The lead singer (male), lead guitarist (male), bassist (female), rhythm guitar (female), drummer (female). Having a mixture of male and female band members will not only attract the female gaze, but also the male gaze as well, as it is rare to have a female drummer.

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